Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Level Up!






2013 targets:

went to johor for first in my life (/)
get personal car (/)
involve in at least 3 utp events in a year ( )
get new phone (/)
find new "calon orang rumah" ( )
get new laptop (/)

assalamualaikum... hi everyone!

well alhamdullillah i managed to get most of it done... 2013 is indeed a fantastic year... went for a cruise, involve in anak yatim event, EOG2013, went to Singapore with housemates... woah, those are some of great memories that i wont forget...

insyaallah, 2014 will be another excellent year.. since i'm already in 2nd year degree, i think should be more serious in my study... and not to forget collecting more certs and experience for internship... may Allah ease for me... insyaallah...

2014 targets:

continue to find new "calon orang rumah" ( )
buy one more game controller ( )
improve communicating skills ( )
decrease body weight and maintain ( )
.... more targets to come...

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Legend... In The Making...

assalamualaikum and hi everyone... salam eidul adha and hopefully u all are in the pink...

here's something i wanna share out... just a short story and just for fun...

tiba-tiba teringat time form 1 dulu... masa interview nak jadi pengawas sekolah... time tu mr. kooi (my maths teacher later on in form 3) yang jadi tukang interviewernya...

mr. kooi ni antara cikgu yang agak garang la time sekolah dulu... dia selalu ada dekat depan gate sekolah time pagi, before perhimpunan, to make sure budak datang awal... dan jaga traffic depan sekolah... sepatutnya tu kerja pak guard sekolah... tapi tah la... tu memang hobi dia... so takkan nak halang kan... haha

so, sebelum aku diinterview, dia merotan budak kaw-kaw punya sebab mencarut depan dia... budak tu pun bengong jugak... sapa suruh cari pasal dengan dia... bila tengok dia gitu, terus jadi cuak... dalam hati aku kata, habis la aku lepas ni... boleh jadi meroyan ni....

kemudian aku diinterview...

rasa seram sejuk menyelubungi diri... apakah soalan yang ditujukan... adakah aku dapat menjawabnya... arghh... tidakk...

skip to the middle of the interview...

mr. kooi : kamu ni betul ke nak jadi pengawas?
aku : ya, betul cikgu... saya yakin boleh pikul tanggungjawab ni cikgu...
mr. kooi : sure ni?
aku : ya, cikgu...
mr. kooi : ok... kenapa kamu nak jadi pengawas?
aku : ermm... sebab... ermm...
mr. kooi : apa? cepat la jawab...
aku : sebab mak saya suruh, cikgu....

seriously... tu je yang aku boleh fikir time tu...

suasana jadi krik krik sekejap... arghh bengong... pegi jawab cam tu... habis la interview aku... tapi lepas tu...

dia gelak terbahak-bahak... tak sangka... ingatkan dia ni tak reti gelak... dalam hati ni ada taman jugak rupanya... apa yang bestnya, dia terima je jawapan aku tu... lega hati aku...

so tenang hati aku bila keluar dari bilik interview tu... lega bai.. hahaha

walaupun aku main-main je dengan interview tu... well, at least dapat jugak jadi pengawas... ye la.. kecik lagi kot... mana la aku nak reti interview bagai ni... lalala~ but still... alhamdullillah... rezeki...

so, konklusinya... hurmm... tah la... hangpa pikiaq la sendiri...

that's all from me this time... just a short scribble... haha...

have a nice day and assalamualaikum...

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Self Reflection Session (1st Year 2nd Sem)

assalamualaikum and hi again everyone!

all praise to Allah for giving me another chance to scribble on this blog... and here goes my result for May 2013... bismillahirahmannirahim...

syukur alhamdullillah it's a dean's list... and still able to maintain it... i targeted for a higher pointer, but its okay... Allah knows whats the best for me...

something to highlight about... my vector calculus!!! arghhh... how come boleh dapat B+... i targeted an A for that... nevertheless, i think i made mistakes or careless in final exam... owh well... benda dah lepas... xde rezeki la kot...

structural geology and mineralogy are seems to be in the range of my target... alhamdullillah it didn't fell out to the C's... but i must improve more next time... those kind of subjects are very important for me throughout the course.. therefore i cannot make silly moves again next time... nanti nak cari makan cam ne woi...

all in all, i'm quite satisfied with the result... alhamdullillah my parents were ok about it... and insyaallah i will strive harder and smarter for next upcoming semester... please pray for me ok peeps... ehhe

i think that's all from me this time... thanks for dropping by here... bye and assalamualaikum... :)

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Jalinan Kasih

assalamualaikum and hi everyone...

all praise to Allah the Almighty for giving me chances and rezeki to further on, scribbling on this rather dull blog... errr... ok... anyway... on the 19th, 20th and 21th of September 2013, V4SR had organized the Jalinan Kasih event... alhamdullillah the event turned out so well, although they are various obstacles that had to be go through.. the event is like some sort of escorting the orphans from Darussalam Orphanage House, Simpang Pulai around UTP and provide interesting activities for them to enjoy with... i'm not a V4SR commitee, but i'm just laying some help to these peeps, due to extreme boredomness at home... ahha... this fantastic event had only 8 commitees and the activities held were from spontaneous ideas... seriously... last minute work... lalala~

1) Picking up the orphans

2) Night activities with the Japanese exchange students from University of Tokyo

3) Kenduri kahwin Datin at Hotel Seri Malaysia, Ipoh

4) Evening activities with the orphans

5) Morning tour around UTP

6) Impromptu games and closing ceremony

7) Sending the orphans back to Darussalam house

8) Committee dinner at Seoul Garden

well, that's the end for our journey... alhamdullillah everything went out well and we had so much fun... insyaallah this remarkable event will always be remembered in our hearts... all in all, thanks for zooming through this post... bye, take care and assalamualaikum... till we meet again...