Friday, 17 May 2013

Self Reflection Session (1st Year 1st Sem)

assalamualaikum and hey there again... hopefully everyone is on a good mood today... looks like the result has released and yeah, you can take a look here...

alhamdullillah syukur i manage to get a dean's list for this sem, although it's only atas pagar... all subject shows good support to the pointer except for the oil and gas subject... it's quite a drag actually... but owh well, what to do... and again syukur alhamdullillah for this result...

insyaallah, i will use this result as a step up to achieve a better result in the future... hopefully i won't let my parents and my friends and my love ones and my lovely cat and my family and my pair of white glasses and lappy and my neighbours and my secret admirer and my BFF and my lecturers and my fans and my money and my earphone, crestfallen again next time... (lulz panjang gila)

sesungguhnya kita hanya mampu berusaha dan merancang, Allah yang akan menentukan segalanya untuk kita... tetapi usahlah kita berhenti berusaha dan usahlah kita banyak merungut... kerana itu merupakan salah satu keburukan yang ada pada orang yang tidak dikehendaki Allah... oleh itu, teruskan mara ke hadapan... perbaiki diri dan kelemahan... Allah akan beri kekuatan untuk orang-orang yang dikehendakinya... insyaallah...

oke i'll stop here first... i'll update again later... whenever i feel like to update la perhaps... hehe... insyaallah... enjoy this new hit song... till we meet again next time... bye... assalamualaikum..